Jumat, 15 Januari 2016

Technical Application of Refraction

Example :
a.       When the beam angle boundaries in a medium is 450, then the refractive index of air in the medium is… (nair = 1)
Answer :         
sin i/sinr = nair/n
sin 450/sin900 = 1/n
n = sin 900/sin450
n = 1/½√2
n = 1,4
b.      a glass prism in the air. on a prism with a beam comes incident angle prism refracting angles of 450 and 600. How large a deviation angle of minimum?
Answer :           
the applicable minimum deviation:
1 = δm + β
δm = 2θ1 – β
δm = 2 (450)-(600) = 300
so the minimum deviation angle is 300

1.      Comes with a beam angle of incidence 400 of the water into the air. magnitude of the refraction angle beam is ...(nwater=4/3, nair=1)
A.    39,80
B.     45,50
C.     58,90
D.    61,30
E.     650
2.      A beam of light into the glass which has a thickness of 10 cm with the angle of incidence 600 and is refracted at an angle of 300. magnitude of the shift light out of light into the shift light in is...
A.    2,5cm
B.     3cm
C.     4,25cm
D.    5,75 cm
E.     6cm
3.      Monochromatic beam of light comes in a refracting prism having corners 300 and the minimum deviation occurs. light leaving the prism at an angle of refraction 250. magnitude of the angle of incidence of light on the prism is ...
A.    600
B.     450
C.     300
D.    250
E.     150
4.      An object at the bottom of a vessel containing water 50 cm deep. if the refractive index of water 4 / 3, and the refractive index of air = 1, then the shadow of the object distance from the surface of the water is ....
A.    2,3cm
B.     28,7cm
C.     37,5cm
D.    42,8cm
E.     50cm
5.      When rapid propagation of light in air is 3x108 m / s, then the rapid propagation of light in a medium having a refractive index of 1.5 is ...
A.    2 x108 m/s
B.     2,5 x108 m/s
C.     3 x108 m/s
D.    3,5 x108 m/s
E.     4 x108 m/s

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